Welcome friends! Since we continue to move further and further west from our network of family and friends I decided to try out this "blog" business! Stay tuned for more on the Fincher family's adventures in California!

Monday, May 23, 2011

We can't go any further west without falling in the ocean.

Here we go... Meg Fincher is starting a blog; I feel so hip and technological! I share my friend's sentiment about the pressure he felt in starting this endeavor. I feel I should be clever, funny and informative. I'm not to be counted on to be these things all the time, so instead of trying to perform, I'm going to use this as a means for keeping all our family and friends up to date on the exciting times in the Fincher family while we live 2,500 miles across the continental United States. Additionally, I plan to use it as a way to sort through the musings of my everyday life.

At this moment, I'm sitting at my kitchen table watching strangers wrap all our earthly belongings in paper and throw them in boxes. In 3 days, Jeremy and I, with 4 month old Rowan, Bentley and Nessa in tow, start the 31 hour drive to our new home in Newark California. I feel like my family is scattered across the country with two year old Noah spending this time with his Gram and Pop in Tennessee (can you imagine a 4 day drive with a two year old... yeah, shudder to think!) and Lu (the cat) holding down the fort in California.

I wonder, how did we end up here? I never imagined, when the Army sent us to Fort Leavenworth (much to our dismay) in middle of nowhere Kansas, that at the end of my commitment we'd head even further west and end up in California, on the cutting edge of "culture".

I look forward to settling down and being a family again, since Jeremy's been living in California since last July after being hired on with Google. However, I am not without apprehension. It is always stressful to relocate, let alone to somewhere so foreign to me as California. What will it be like? Will I miss the friendly nature of mid-westerners? Will I like the fast-paced life in California? How will it be, living in a home we OWN, will everything that can go wrong happen, just like in the movies? So many changes happening at one time, it's more than a little overwhelming.

While I'm excited to be leaving the Army (SO excited!) and starting this new adventure, I will certainly miss the people I've met in Leavenworth who have helped me develop into the person I am today. I will continue to miss those that I left in Ohio 3 years ago and the family who has taken up residence in Tennessee since then. It'll be interesting to see what the West Coast has in store.