Welcome friends! Since we continue to move further and further west from our network of family and friends I decided to try out this "blog" business! Stay tuned for more on the Fincher family's adventures in California!

Monday, April 2, 2012

If I had a million dollars....

The recent mega-millions craze got Jeremy and me talking (as I 'm sure it got the whole country talking) about what we would do with 400 Million Dollars. Heck, what we would do with 1 million dollars! Of course there are always crazy purchases that many people dream of; a beach house, a plane (and pilot's licenses, although we'd do the actual training required and not just BUY those, that would just be unsafe and foolish), and liposuction to name a few.

As the conversation continued, we started trying to think of smaller things we'd buy to improve our life as it stands and came up blank. I don't mean this to sound like we're rolling in dough and just buy whatever we want, but it was a really refreshing feeling, not wanting for anything. For the longest time in our marriage and in our life in general, it seems like there was always dissatisfaction over something; living in boring old Kansas, geographic separation between Kansas and California, dislike of our current employment, readjusting to life together after the aforementioned separation, and the list could go on and on. I feel like we've always had something to grip about, but not anymore!

Life isn't perfect (though I'm pretty close, obviously;)). Jeremy will continue to leave his socks strewn around the living room and be overly competitive. Noah will continue to speak Noah-ese (though we're seeing improvements toward English), want to watch too much TV, and sneak ice cream cones for breakfast. Rowan will continue to not sit still for diaper changes and dump any bowl he can find no matter what's in it. Our family and good old friends will continue to live across the country. However, what a wonderful feeling to be truly blessed and satisfied with our lot in life.