Welcome friends! Since we continue to move further and further west from our network of family and friends I decided to try out this "blog" business! Stay tuned for more on the Fincher family's adventures in California!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Being Unemployed is Bad for the Finances

Well, the move is complete and the real work is beginning. The Fincher's boxes are unpacked and the work of putting together a home begins. Having only ever rented an essentially "ready to go" home, the thought of installing fans, window treatments and shower curtains never occurred to me until we spent our first couple weeks in our front room watching TV while squinting against the glare of the setting sun. However, it's not as simple as slapping up a few of those thin metal curtain rods with whatever hunk of fabric blocks the light, this is our home and suddenly these little decisions become increasingly weighty. Thus why we've been here nearly a month and have only now decided on curtain rods that fit our vision!

Speaking of the sun, we LOVE it (nice segue, right?). Until the recent heat wave (which, by the way, makes me feel very tricked! I thought NorCal was supposed to be a cool breezy 70 degrees all summer; what gives?) its been an absolute treat to just sit out in our reasonably sized back yard and play with the hose or throw rocks into the baby pool. The dogs have adjusted to life in California and embraced their "inner hunter". A pair of big blue birds (with big scary beaks, have I mentioned that I really am not a bird person?) had a nest in one of our trees and last week their fledglings set out into the big world of our backyard. The next several days were spent enduring the harsh squawks of those birds as they attempted to protect their babies from our vicious Golden Retriever who I caught tossing them around the yard (gently, mind you, she has a retriever mouth). Suffice it to say the squawking has ceased but since I found no sad little bird bodies, I assume they found their wings and made it to a safer place.

Our eldest baby bird has also taken quite a leap (though I fear not to safer territory) into his 2's! It's near impossible to remember Noah as tiny as my sweet Rowan, where has the time gone? Its not so terrible thus far (its been, officially, one whole day!), but he can throw quite the impressive tantrum. That ability, combined with the fact that about 98% of his world is defined, in his language, as "DOH" and "ish" (yeah, he's not so much with the words), we can have some pretty frustrating exchanges in the Fincher house. Fortunately for little Noah, his mommy speaks "Noah-ese" fluently (and maybe that's part of the delay).

I imagine by now, the reader is wondering when I'll get to the title topic: my lack of employment. I suppose that technically I am still employed with the US Army until midnight June 23, so I can't be called "unemployed" yet. However, I am quickly realizing that in addition to not bringing in any cash I have oodles more time to spend. At the moment I've blamed the holes in my pockets on the fact that its a new home (our home) and there's an upcoming vacation that we simply must have the right wardrobe for. We're getting into dangerous territory here! That being said, I am really enjoying the time to get settled and really enjoy my kids without the stresses of my job constantly interfering. (Warning: another BUT is on the way) But, I have realized in a very short time not working that I really do enjoy working. I enjoy the adult interaction on technical subjects and enjoy thinking about something outside the realm of home. It adds a little extra spice to my life. Aside from that, I've never been one to take advantage of a "sugar daddy"... well, maybe just this once, for a few months!


  1. I love that you are keeping us posted, keep it coming!

    Home stuff--keep remembering that it doesn't have to look perfect...or like something out of Better Homes and Gardens. The imperfections show life lived and life enjoyed inside the walls you pay a morgage on:)

    Spending stuff--I hear ya! A new home can make it easy to spend way more than you knew you could! A great book we have just found that is a reminder/encourager to shift our eyes to the stuff that matters is called Radical, by David Platt.

    Wish I could be there to throw rocks in your pool, complain about little boy tantrums, and have a glass of wine. :)

  2. Thanks for the update. I'm sure the curtain rods are beautiful : ) Have fun making your house the home that you want it to be. Enjoy your time off work with those beautiful baby boys!
